مركز كتبنا الثقافي

The Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write beneath the surface

The Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write beneath the surface

Price: 100.00 AED
Publisher: penguin  group
Year of publication: 2016
ISBN: 9781440348372

Engage your readers with emotion. While writers might disagree over showing versus telling or plotting versus panting, none would argue this: If you want to write strong fiction, you must make your readers feel. The reader's experience must be an emotional journey of its own, one as involving as your characters' struggles, discoveries, and triumphs are for you.

Donald Maass is the author of more than 16 novels. He now works as a literary agent, representing dozens of novelists in the SF, fantasy, crime, mystery, romance and thriller categories. He speaks at writer's conferences throughout the country and lives in New York City

Location: Lower level B-4

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