Dubai Humanities

Dubai Humanities is a nine-month festival that celebrates the work of Khaleeji scholars and scholars based in the Gulf, supports scholars at all stages of their careers in developing their skills, creates opportunities for members of the public to engage with new scholarship and ideas, and helps build community among scholars. We aim to make scholarship accessible to a diverse group of people, including people outside of academia, parents with young children, and people who cannot travel to participate in international conferences in Europe and the United States.

Time Frame: September 2023 – May 2024

Activities: Events will include

  • A monthly in-person public lecture
  • A roundtable discussion on the state and future of the humanities in the UAE
  • A book incubator for three Khaleeji humanities scholars
  • One training for academics on journal rankings, citations, and dissemination metrics
  • Four online asynchronous guided conversations on topics in the humanities