Volunteer with Us

Kutubna Cultural Center is always looking for volunteers! Volunteer opportunities are unpaid, but we can offer a certificate of participation after the completion of 40 hours of volunteer work with us. At this time the majority of volunteer work is done remotely, but after opening we welcome volunteers who work in person, remotely, or a mix of both.

Volunteers help us with all aspects of our operations, including organizing events, curating exhibits, conducting research, writing, creating social media content, graphic design, and more. Volunteers also assist with our workshops and events.

In fact, volunteer work helped us get off the ground. Budoor Alrahmah, a student at New York University Abu Dhabi volunteered her time as a program associate to organize all the Dubai Humanities programming as well as the grand opening and other events. She called ministries to get information on how to get government approvals for the events, sent invitations to speakers and workshop leaders, collected information for our promotional materials, met with mural artists at the center and received proposals, and coordinated the work of other volunteers.

To sign up to volunteer with us, please fill out the form here (in English) or here (in Arabic).

Thank you for your interest in Kutubna!